MPTA Executive Director Update

The Governor’s Executive recommendation for the 2016-2017 budget was released today in Lansing.

There is some good news for public transportation:

  • Local Bus Operating is recommended to be funded at $180 million. This is the first significant increase in this line item in over 5 years, increasing from just under $167 million in recent years.
  • Bus Capital Match is targeted for an increase as well, budgeted by the Governor at $60 million, with $54 coming from the CTF and $6 million from the General Fund. BCM has been at approximately half this amount in recent years.

These recommendations from the Governor represent an acknowledgement of the lobbying efforts that MPTA put forth beginning in late November when we met with Director Kirk Steudle and continuing through MDOT’s recommendations submitted in mid December. You may recall that I polled MPTA members in late November/early December to get your opinion on where the investments needed to be made. The responses indicated significant needs on both the LBO and BCM sides, and the Governor’s budget targets recognize our input.

Our lobbyist Dusty Fancher and I will be continuing our persistent efforts now at keeping these recommendations in the budget as we go forward with Legislative deliberations beginning next week.

Also, next week begins your efforts, as well. Hopefully you are planning to attend the MPTA Legislative Conference where we will further outline the recommendations and other significant details of the state budget and provide you with background pieces for your own conversations with your legislators. Those talks should begin for you immediately, both at the MPTA Legislative Breakfast on the morning of Thursday, Feb. 18, 2016 and in your own hometowns.

It is not too late to still register to attend the Legislative Conference and Breakfast, by the way. Even if you have not previously registered, we can get you in and please know that we need your active involvement as we carry our message forward! If you would still like to register, please contact Cindy Zolkowski here at MPTA via email: and she will help you make your arrangements.

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Clark Harder
Executive Director